优化非营利组织,JCC和基督教青年会捐赠页面的技巧 for Giving Season

发表: 星期二,2022年11月15日 |标签: JCC资源, 非营利组织的资源, 基督教青年会的资源


As the leaves begin to fall and the days grow shorter, it's clear that the giving season is upon us. 对于非营利组织来说,这是一年中重要的时刻, jcc, 基督教青年会 to ramp up fundraising efforts to support their mission and programs. 随着年底的临近, many people begin to feel more generous during the holidays and are looking for ways to give back. 结果是, it's crucial for nonprofits to take advantage of this time of year and implement strategies for successful holiday giving. 

一种获得会员的方法, 捐助者, the community involved with the giving season is for your organization to participate in GivingTuesday! 这 global day of giving takes place each year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. 设立这一天是为了鼓励人们捐款, time, 或者他们喜欢的组织和事业的资源. 周二给 is an important opportunity for nonprofits to raise awareness and funds for their organization.

捐赠星期二是非营利组织的一个机会, jcc, 基督教青年会 to build community involvement and gain financial support for their programs and services. 通过参加这个一年一度的捐赠日, organizations can show their 捐助者 that they are committed to making a difference in the world through their outreach and community programs. Our team has outlined helpful tips to help your organization optimize your donation page for the giving season.




作为一个非营利组织, 犹太社区中心, 基督教青年会, 或者娱乐中心, you must have a donate page on your 网站 to make it easy for people to support your cause. 在你的网站上使用指定的捐赠页面有帮助: 

  1. 提供一个简单的筹款方式. You want to give people a clear and easy way to contribute to ensuring your programs and organization can continue to make a difference.
  2. 与潜在捐助者建立信任和信誉. When people see that you are transparent about how their donations will be used, 他们更愿意付出. 
  3. 对捐助者的支持表示感谢. You let them know that their donations make a difference by taking the time to thank them for their generosity. 
  4. Track donations and see which 市场营销 channels are most effective in bringing in new 捐助者. 这 information can be used to optimize your fundraising efforts further.


An effective donation page should be designed with a few key elements in mind. 

  1. 应该明确捐款将如何使用.
  2. 它应该很容易导航, with a visible donate button and a clear explanation of how the donation process works. 
  3. It should include testimonials from previous 捐助者 to build trust. 
  4. It should provide various payment options to make donating as convenient as possible.
  5. 应该有建议的捐赠金额. 特别是在捐赠星期二, you should raise the minimum suggested amount to encourage higher donations.
  6. It should include an option to have the donor cover the credit or debit payment fee.
  7. There should be a way for users to honor a donation in memory of someone or on behalf of an individual or organization.
  8. There should be an option for an employer-match gift program

记住这些因素, you can design a donation page to have the maximum impact and encourage people to support your mission.


Use compelling storytelling to showcase your organization’s impact

当决定在你的捐赠页面上包含什么内容时, it is important to consider what will resonate most with your potential 捐助者. A good place to start is by sharing your organization's story and highlighting the impact that donations have on your financial stability. 

You should also be clear about how donations will be used and how they will make a difference in the lives of those you serve. 通过共享这些信息, you can create a compelling case for why someone should donate to your organization. When done correctly, this can be an effective way to encourage donations and support your mission.


Giving season is a chance to build morale and teamwork within your organization and to encourage your staff and members to get involved, 特别是在 周二给. You can encourage your staff and members to get involved by donating, 贡献你的时间, or spreading the word about the organization on social media. You can also organize special events or activities on 周二给 to raise awareness and funds for your cause.

随着捐赠季节的到来, it's crucial to have a strategy to encourage donations from your 网站 visitors. 通过遵循我们在这篇博文中概述的提示, you can create a donate page that is both effective and visually appealing. And remember to promote your donate page on social media and other channels to ensure that as many people as possible see it! 


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